Monday, March 19, 2018

Uber Dangerous

The Age of the Machine: not just A Bad Idea!

I've long had the opinion that "Self-driving cars" were not only just an idea whose time had not come, but were a threat.   It gives me no pleasure to have my anti-machine opinions vindicated at the cost of human life. 

But it was only a matter of time.

I've a decades long history of participation in the Computer Age, and I know that if there is a way for a computer to f*ck up ... it will.

Sadly, this proof resulted in the death of a human ... someone with a family and people who cared about her, rather than the extension of a bunch of bits and bytes who know no better than what it has been programmed by fallible humans who couldn't possible anticipate all of the ways Something Can Go Wrong.

Self-driving Uber kills Arizona woman in first fatal crash involving pedestrian:
An autonomous Uber car killed a woman in the street in Arizona, police said, in what appears to be the first reported fatal crash involving a self-driving vehicle and a pedestrian in the US. Tempe police said the self-driving car was in autonomous mode at the time of the crash and that the vehicle hit a woman, who was walking outside of the crosswalk and later died at a hospital. There was a vehicle operator inside the car at the time of the crash.
[Emphasis added: it won't be the last.]

I'm probably not the first person to make this recommendation, but I join others in advocating for the absolute condemnation of "Self-Driving" automobiles.

Get them off the road, and keep them in the Dumping of Unfounded Technical Dreams.

I don't know who convinced governmental regulating agencies that "it was worth a try" to validate computerized cars, but I think the son of a bitch deserves a hanging tree.

This is not acceptable.  I'd rather see a drunk driver than a computerized car!

At least when a drunk driver kills an innocent, you know who to hang, and can be assured that he will never again be responsible for the death of an innocent.

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