Thursday, April 21, 2016

"Special Circumstances"? Isn't living in NYC enough?

John Stossel Tried to Get a Gun Permit in New York — Here’s How That Turned out for Him:
Fox Business’s John Stossel tried to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun in New York. In a segment for his self-titled show, Stossel walks viewers through the steps that New York requires residents to go through for firearm permits, which can take as long as a year.

Apparently (see the video), the only 'Special Circumstances' which are considered is whether you're a "SPECIAL!" person.

I feel pretty special about living in the Wild Wild West, where I don't really "need" a carry license, and the local cops don't care ... they gave me one anyway.

John, why don't you move here and just 'phone in' your reports?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many consider NYC the epicenter of the civilized world.