Tuesday, September 15, 2015

EVIL gun laws in Arizona!

David Codrea at The War On Guns takes note of an article in the International Business Times which bemoans the lax gun control laws in Arizona which allows almost ANYONE to own and use a firearm!!  And they don't need a license to own a firearm, or to register the gun, or ANYTHING!
(Imagine that .. what is this country COMING TO???)

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whether you wish the author to be considered an authority, or at least a competent reporter of "facts"), the author makes some serious errors in these  .. well, facts!

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the testicles of liberal east-coast journalists!

Phoenix Freeway Shootings: Amid Manhunt, Arizona Gun Laws Are Among The Country's Most Lenient:
Most guns are legal in Arizona, which only outlaws firearms that shoot more than one shot automatically from one pull of the trigger without a manual reload, rifles with barrels longer than 16 inches, and shotguns with barrels longer than 18 inches.
{emphasis added}

Obvious (to people who are either smarter than a stump, or are conversant with gun-control legislation over the past 50 years), the usual gun control laws regarding barrel length have been applied to barrels SHORTER than a given length ... not LONGER. (Shorter barrels make it easier to hide or disguise long-guns, or so we are told by people who aren't a helluva lot smarter than this author.)

And these restrictions are imposed at a federal level .. they are not unique to the state of Arizona.

Are we to assume that the Liberal Press is stupid, or deliberately skewing the facts to fit their agenda?

Perhaps the two categories are not mutually incompatible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Probably both stupid and biased.