Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Attack on Self-Defense

Front Page Magazine offers a counter to the argument that  if you use a gun to protect yourself, you expose yourself to even worst tragedy; or as stated in the story: "... a gun is “not a particularly good defense strategy.”

(H/T to Clayton Cramer)

The Attack on Self-Defense:
(Front Page Magazine; May 22, 2015)
 Some years back, a public service TV ad depicted patients being told by a doctor that they had a tobacco-related illness: lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, etc. It asked, “If you’re not planning to quit smoking, then what are you planning?” So let me ask: If you’re not planning to use a firearm to defend your home against invasion, what are you planning to do? Modern liberalism has long mocked even the possibility of citizen self-defense:
A woman who  experienced a 'home invasion', and who abandoned two of her sleeping children to save the two she COULD rescue, is convinced that standing her ground to protect her entire family would be a scenario fraught with risk.   Why?  Because if you point a gun at the bad guys, it may only serve to escalate an already bad situation.   They may take your gun away from you.

What if you have a gun, and they don't?  Then the bad guys are in a bad situation, not them.

And if they already have guns?  What choice have you except for making their "Boys' Night Out" more dangerous for them?

Home invasions DO happen.

How has our civilization degraded to the point that Rudyard Kiplings "The Female Of The Species" is no longer applicable in America?

WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,     He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.     But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.     For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In many enlightened states, self defense attempts are frowned upon. You have a duty to retreat and cede your home of property to the invader. After all it is only stuff, and stuff unlike your life can be replaced.