Friday, May 30, 2014

Tape THIS!

Chicago mayor pushes plan requiring all gun sales to be videotaped | Fox News:
(May 28, 2014)
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced a proposal Wednesday that would require all gun sales in the city to be videotaped, as part of a plan to allow gun stores back in Chicago under very tight restrictions.  The measure, which would also ban gun stores near schools and parks, was introduced Wednesday at a city council meeting without discussion. It was then referred to the council’s Public Safety Committee. A vote on the proposal has not been scheduled. The move comes in response to a January federal court ruling that deemed Chicago’s longtime ban on gun stores unconstitutional. The court gave the city six months to approve store restrictions while lifting the ban, setting a deadline of July 14 for the new plan.

Oh, that's going to help a LOT!

Are there more than three gun stores in Chicago yet?

If Rahm has his way ... there won't be any.

There's no discernible justification for this new twist in Gun Control Logic (forgive the oxymoron).  It won't make anyone safer.

What it will do is make it more expensive and difficult than it has to be for Chicago residents to purchase legal firearms.

What it will do is add a lot of new and expensive restrictions on anyone who tries to open a gun store.

Video taping, lighting, access, records keeping (not just sales reporting, but maintaining ALL of the videos created), etc.  

Some of his proposals are, although intrusive, not outside the realm of possibility.  Training for store employees to "identify potential gun traffickers". (I would love to see the syllabus!)

Many shop owners ... perhaps most of them ... already record customer activity in their stores.   The regulations for storage, cross-referencing, and other complications have not been announced.

Of course not.

What HAS been announced are Chicago-specific regulations:

  • A 72 hour waiting period on the purchase of any handgun
  • A 24 hour waiting period on the purchase of a shotgun or rifle
  • A limit of one firearm per month, per buyer
  • Store records subject to a quarterly review

There's also a ban on gun stores "gun stores near schools and parks"... although the definition of "near" has also not been announced.     It's odd that this is included, since these are the two most common areas where gang-bangers with illegal guns are likely to be found.

The Democratic mayor's plan, which is likely to be controversial, would aim to significantly limit any gun dealer who wishes to operate in the city.

If he could continue the ban, he would.  This is the best he could to to make it difficult for honest citizens to acquire legal firearms.

Mayor Emanuel's plan to rid the city of "illegal firearms" has not been announced.

Rahm .... you own Chicago, and all of your serfs are looking at you.  They're asking themselves why you're holding up the wrong finger.

(More news sources)
The Wire

(By the way, some of the threads in the COMMENTS section of The Wire are interesting, suggesting that there are thinking people of good purpose on both sides of the issue.  And of course, there are the Usual Suspects who can't spell, can't think, but believe their opinions entitle them to make Ad Hominem attacks on their opponents anyway.   "The poor will always be with us.")

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