Thursday, May 29, 2014

Knee-jerk Legislation

Hollywood Congressman Calls for Gun Safety Legislation |
(May 28, 2014 12:00 am -- Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank and Hollywood)
“What will it take to get Congress moving on responsible gun safety laws? What will it take to keep guns out of the hands of seriously mentally ill people? How many more Sandy Hooks, Auroras, Stocktons, Columbines, Virginia Techs, and Isla Vistas must we have?” Schiff said. “With each of these tragedies, the fabric of our country is torn a bit more. Are we ready to say enough is enough? Will our Congress listen if we do?”

Politicians speak out on the issues of the day; vehemently, and usually for the purpose of seeming to be "Doing Something".  We need to take their statements with a grain of salt, because anyone who actively seeks public office is an egoist, and frequently a liar.  Not that I am calling Rep. Shift a liar ... I'm just saying that the response seems less thoroughly considered than might be wise.

Let us assume that Representative Shiff is better than than his contemporaries, and is sincere in his statement.

. First you need to define "seriously mentally ill people".

. Then you need to determine a responsible reporting mechanism.

. Then you must decide EXACTLY how you will handle your response to this reporting mechanism.

Do you just arbitrarily accept that the reporting person is always someone who has no ulterior motives, or do you actually spend as much time investigating the reporter as you do the reported gun owner?

The person who 'reports' a friend or family member may have as many, or more, undisclosed issues as the person who they are reporting.  It's important that personal dynamics often encourage us to involve governmental agencies in a personal dispute;  the law may be a weapon for interpersonal redemption as readily as it is a tool for the public good.

Anyone who is so quick to respond to suggested legislative solutions to societal ills is someone who hasn't taken the time to think it through, carefully.  When a lawmaker makes snap judgements, we should take more time than HE has to consider the ramifications of ill-made, poorly defined goals and criteria.

Adam Shiff has not proven that his judgement is driven by more than personal vainglory.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I ask the same question. "How much longer will these atrocities continue, before we stop making Gun Free Zones?"