Saturday, May 25, 2013

Benghazi Who?

Whoa: Devastating CBS News Benghazi Report Slams Obama Administration - Guy Benson:

There were so many critical elements of this CBS News report on Libya, I wasn't sure which one to highlight in a juicy headline. Just watch:
 There have been so many lies conflicting statements about Benghazi in the past month that I completely avoided attempting to address the subject here.

I just ran across a September 20, 2012 TOWNHALL commentary which at least gives me a less-confused (albeit certainly not CLEAR) understanding of the initial controversy.

This doesn't answer many questions .. actually, it presents the earliest questions to the White House original statement(s).  It may not help much, and I'm not prepared to offer any comments myself.

I'm just grateful I have some perspective on the subject.

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