Sunday, August 09, 2009

Microstamping Ammunition in California: 2007 vs 2009

Okay, I'm following up on a LOT of websites which state categorically that the Microstamping Bill has been "passed" in California.

I don't believe itg.

Here's the skinny:
The microstamping bill in the CA 2007-2008 session is AB1471, and it has been given the status of "inactive".

That has been confused with the "procurement of materials for Los Angeles Transit Authority" bill for the CA 2008-2009 session, also labeled AB1471, which may or may not have been passed.

You may notice that the URL for each bill is identical, but the destination of each URL is entirely different.
(Note: don't copy & paste, but click on the actual links. If this confuses you, let me know and I'll later provide the links which lead to the links for the appropriate legislative session. It's a Geek Thing, you wouldn't understand. In fact, I don't understand except that I suspect the California webmasters screwed up by not being careful about how they build their links.)

I thnk a lot of commenters and bloggers have confused the two links with the result that they think the Microstamping (2007-2008) bill passed, when actually the" Metropolitan Transit" (2008-2009) bill was the one that passed.

There may be more on this later, because there are a LOT of articles which clicked on the 2007-2008 bill to discover the contents of the "passed bill", and that clicked-link referenced the wrong (2008-2009) bill comment from, among others, the Governor of California.

Strange that there has been so much commentary, even in the MSM, stating that the Microstamping bill has been passed in California ... and the link they refer to has been the MTA bill.

So much for the MSM claim that they are "more reliable than bloggers" because they have this "backup for facts-checking" thing going for them.

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