Friday, February 27, 2009

Rally for Jeffery Maxwell

Two weeks ago I reported on a young veteran who was arrested on the campus of Western Oregon University for having a loaded, concealed handgun in his possession. Jeffery Maxwell was NOT breaking the law, but the university administration demanded that he be arrested anyway, so the Monmouth Police Department obliged them.

Later, after public furor made it clear that (according to Oregon Law) Maxwell was within his legal rights, so he was released.

The University, however, placed severe restrictions on Maxwell's welcome on campus, would not allow him to set foot on campus -- let alone attend classes for which he had already paid tuition -- and implied he would be arrested again, this time for trespassing, if he attempted to enter campus whether or not he was carrying a weapon.

In response to this, there will be a rally today (Friday, February 27, 2009) on the front steps of the Capital Building in Salem, Oregon. This news comes from Jeffery's sister, who informs us that the rally will take place from noon to 3pm.

I regret that due to an oversight I did not actually post this notice when I received it ... last weekend. Kim and Jeffery, I do apologize.

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